Presentations & Publications
Presentations & Publications
Goodwin, J. & Griffiths, E. (2022) ‘Being With’ in Sensory Theatre
Researcher in Residence Report
The ‘Being With’ in Sensory Theatre report was an outcome of Jill’s period as Researcher-in-Residence with Oily Cart (co-written with their Artistic Director, Ellie Griffiths).
Click on the book cover to download the report.
The following three videos summarise aspects of the report:
Part 1 Introduction
Language and Labelling
Part 2
Agency and Personhood
Part 3
The Role of the Supporting Adult
You can also access the report in large print or easy read format here:
Holding the Space – how do we let go of language and be together as a group?
This video presentation formed part of The Sensory Projects first PMLD Conference in 2021. In it, Jill, and her colleague Georgina Knight, discuss their work with students to increase opportunities for non-linguistic communication in the classroom. Many teachers have successfully adopted and adapted this session idea for their own class and experienced the precious rewards of making space for communication without words as a group.
Spaces of Refuge in Education: Using aesthetic practice to access alternative forms of cognition, connection and sensory well-being
Southampton Education School Research Seminar Series 2 March 2021
In this video presentation Jill speaks about her installation art practice, her doctoral research, and her work with Oily Cart during the first Covid lockdown. She discusses her interest in alternative forms of cognition and offers the provocation that we should carefully consider the types of spaces - both physical and psychological – that, as educationalists, we provide, instil and inhabit.
Gem Mine
In this series of videos Jill takes you through a multi-sensory environment she built at Rosewood School in Southampton, describing some of the effects and how they were created. This was an ambitious installation that Jill worked on full-time over several weeks, but many of the ideas shown here are transferrable to the classroom and could be recreated on a smaller scale.
(Video credits, Man Wong)
Written Publications
Goodwin, J., Nind, M., Dunne, L., Howe, Z., Martin, K., Mellor, C. and Ward, A. (2023) ‘Exploring belonging through arts-based practice’ PMLD Link 35(2) Issue 105 (pp.5-7)
- Goodwin, J. & Griffiths, E. (2022) ‘Being with: creative fun’ PMLD Link 34(2) Issue 102 (pp. 10-11)
- Goodwin, J. (2020) ‘How can theories about installation art help us articulate the inclusive value of immersive spaces?’ PMLD Link 32(2) Issue 96 (pp. 18-20)
- Goodwin, J. (2020) ‘On ‘Being’ Together as Belonging: Inside Golden Tent’ in Nind, M. & Strnadova, I. (Eds) Belonging for People with Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities: Pushing the Boundaries of Inclusion (pp. 59-74) London: Routledge
- Goodwin, J. (2019) Sharing an Aesthetic Space of refuge Within a School for Pupils with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities: Golden TentPhD Thesis, University of Winchester
Download thesis